Broke In Magic Trilogy by Winnie Winkle!


Here’s what Winnie has to say about writing this trilogy:

Why paranormal romance? When two unique people fall in love, it’s special. For as long as romance authors lifted a pen to share the stories within their hearts and spirits, writers strove to discern the elusive properties of love. How do two become one despite the world’s intentions? We embrace love winning, time and time again.

I love writing strong female characters, ones who square their shoulders against bullies, hate, and manipulation. Feet planted firmly in the soil of good deeds, kindness, protection, and love, these characters go toe to toe, knowing they can, and should, pick up those torches, and lead. Paranormal allows so much freedom to create fantastic female characters who are super, not only with their powers, but with the depth of their hearts.

And I also love writing men who accept female strength as normal. Not begrudging, but as how the world is. There’s no convincing, waiting for the guy to come around, or figure it out. This is why paranormal romances have so much appeal for writers. A paranormal romance lets true teams form, and the power of love growing from those beginnings takes stories to wonderful places.

Get this whole set HERE!

Winnie Winkle will be live and person at the Coastal Magic Convention. Stop by Daytona Beach and say hi!

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