The Last Magus: Dragonfire and Steel by Mark Piggott

I could not wait to return to Gideon’s captivating world. It was pure delight as the familiar blend of adventure, magic, and vibrant characters filled the pages once more. In this installment of the series, Gideon starts by embarking on a compelling journey to the isolated city of Plodoro to fulfill his late master’s final wishes. And that’s just the beginning. He has to make it to the Helios competition and not only compete but win. Despite facing relentless moral dilemmas and external pressures, Gideon’s unwavering commitment to doing what’s right shines through.

This series excels not only in its fantastical elements but also in its exploration of universal themes like duty, love, and the complexities of human (and sometimes non-human) nature. While each book stands on its own, offering a complete and immersive experience, the overarching narrative adds depth for returning readers. With its evocative storytelling and timeless moral resonance, Gideon’s saga continues to offer a captivating escape into a world of wonder and integrity.

As always – the incredibly beautiful covers are the first draw!



The Magus were legendary magic casters/warriors, able to cast spells and wield powerful magical weapons. They were the guardians of magic in Attlain but were cast out and feared for their power. Marcus Gideon was trained by The Last Magus, destined to restore the dignity of the order. After graduating from the Basilon Magical Academy, Gideon sets off for his master’s homeland. Plodoro was an isolated city in the far north of the Skjem-Tur mountains. Surrounded by giants and blanketed in an endless winter, Gideon traveled to the far-flung region to fulfill a final request of his master and return a sacred weapon to his people. He must finish this task to return to his true love, Wren. The First Princess of Attlain fell in love with Gideon during their time at Basilon. Now, to win her parents’ approval, Gideon must win the Helios Arcanum Magical Arts Festival. This celebration showcases the best magic casters in Attlain, and Gideon is the first Magus to compete in over a hundred years. As he fights for his life and reputation, a dark shadow looms over him as the Ulbrecht Domo―the Shadow Lord of Ishtar―has other plans for The Last Magus.

One thought on “The Last Magus: Dragonfire and Steel by Mark Piggott

  1. Pingback: Two peer reviews of Corsair and The Last Magus – Mark Piggott | Fantasy and Steampunk Author

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